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Posts: 52
Posted 22:17 May 21, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun,
Before starting homework, I have the following questions in my mind.

Que 1
As per hw - 3 public event should be visible to everyone and the same is true for this hw also?

Que 2

In order to edit the event, is the user has to be an owner of that?

or can any one change any public event[since it will be visible to everyone?]

Que 3

There is nothing mentioned about section event in the hw - 5,

Do we need to implement the section event in this home work?

if yes, the requirements are same as Hw - 3?

Que 4

As per homework 3 , public event is only created by administrator?

Should the same rule is applicable for hw - 5?

Thanking you with regards

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:14 May 22, 2011 |

1. Yes.

2. We'll implement security later. For this assignment you can assume that events can/will only edited by their owners.

3. No. The interface to create section events is slightly different from the one for creating public and private events. We'll leave it for later.

4. No. For this assignments anyone can create public events.