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Posts: 24
Posted 20:25 May 13, 2011 |

Jpg comp ration chromosome sub sampling  4:2:0


Cr and  cb   value are we take

Image size 280 X 256  so cr and cb are [144][128] and average of 4 pixel

144X128        280X256

Cr[0,0] =  Avg ([0,0]+[0,1]+[1,0][1,1])




Inver side  How to make original size array

Cr[144][128]--->nCr[280][256]  ?

Posts: 95
Posted 20:33 May 13, 2011 |

You will have to create an array that is the normal size and fill it with cb // cr using each value to fill 4 pixels worth so for the inverse you have


cr[0][0] - > newcr[0][0]

cr[0][0] -> newcr[1][0]

cr[0][0] -> newcr[0][1]

cr[0][0] -> newcr[1][1]

cr[0][1] -> newcr[0][2]

cr[0][1] -> newcr[0][3]

cr[0][1] -> newcr[1][2]

cr[0][1] -> newcr[1][3]


essentially you want

cr[i][j] -> cr[i*2][crj*2]

cr[i][j] -> cr[i*2+1][crj*2]

cr[i][j] -> cr[i*2][crj*2+1]

cr[i][j] -> cr[i*2+1][crj*2+1]

Posts: 24
Posted 20:54 May 13, 2011 |



i do same thing but n=5 i got big dot in my image

what wrong with me i did not known ?


Posts: 95
Posted 20:59 May 13, 2011 |

5 is supposed to look bad....

Professor Kang posted samples on the class site that you can compare to... do your lower level quanitzation (n = [0,2]) look similar too? If not I think it is fine