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Posts: 10
Posted 21:32 May 09, 2011 |


1) This is the snippet of servlet mapping using annotation

@WebServlet(description = "this controller creates a calendar model to be display to the user per calendar/month requet", urlPatterns = { "/calendarController" })

public class calendarController extends HttpServlet {...}

2) This the form object used in my html page

<form action="/calendarController" method="post">

<input name="submitCalendarRequest" type="submit" value="SeeCalendar" />


  It seems to be pr etty straight forward however I keep on getting 404 Error , Please hrlp
Posts: 10
Posted 21:34 May 09, 2011 |

Problem solved do not put forward slash on front Servlet url pattern , therefore

<form action="calendarController" method="post">

<input name="submitCalendarRequest" type="submit" value="SeeCalendar" />
