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Posts: 12
Posted 15:35 Apr 29, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun,

I have committed my changes to svn repository and created the tag cs520-hw3 , but when i drag the tag and check the src it doesn't show my calendar folder under that. I checked my zip file the folder is there in the zip file.So is it ok or i need to do any changes.

Rucha Bhatt

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:21 Apr 29, 2011 |

You probably didn't commit the files you added. Right click on the files you added (e.g., select Team -> Add to Version Control, then commit again. After you commit all the files, recreate the tag (you can delete the old one then make a new one).

Posts: 12
Posted 22:01 Apr 29, 2011 |

I did accordingly and it worked.

Thank You Dr Sun,

Rucha Bhatt