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Posts: 12
Posted 14:49 Apr 26, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun ,

How do we go about sending notification before 24 hours? Is there any class we can look at for this functionality? There are classes for subscription but it does not seem it provides time-based trigger for sending out emails.


Rucha Bhatt

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:16 Apr 26, 2011 |

You don't need to worry about how to send the notifications when you design the data models. You do need to worry about who and when though. In other words, given an Event object, you should be able to decide when the notifications should be sent and who they should be sent to.

Posts: 12
Posted 15:20 Apr 26, 2011 |
Dr Sun,
Do we need to create the data access model ?
Last edited by ruchabhatt at 17:54 Apr 26, 2011.