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Posts: 12
Posted 10:54 Apr 21, 2011 |

Dr Sun ,

I deployed my project on cs3 .And I have followed the exact instructions as you have told ,still i am getting the 404 .

can you please help me regarding this .

Posts: 6
Posted 11:03 Apr 21, 2011 |

I am getting the same error as well.  "Resource is not available."

And my error says apache tomcat 6.0.24.  I thought we were using 7.0+

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:06 Apr 21, 2011 |

It should be working now. The server was auto restarted for a system update, and the old Tomcat server took over the new one.

Posts: 6
Posted 15:07 Apr 21, 2011 |

I am still getting the same error, though it is pointing to the proper server now.  Even though my servlet file is called, web url pattern is called CalServ: @WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/CalServ", loadOnStartup = 1)

Thanks for the help.

Last edited by agalstyan at 15:07 Apr 21, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 16:04 Apr 21, 2011 |
agalstyan wrote:

I am still getting the same error, though it is pointing to the proper server now.  Even though my servlet file is called, web url pattern is called CalServ: @WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/CalServ", loadOnStartup = 1)

Thanks for the help.

You do know that you need to deploy class files, not Java files. right?

Posts: 6
Posted 16:57 Apr 21, 2011 |

You do know that you need to deploy class files, not Java files. right?

D'OH! Thank you Dr. Sun!