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Posts: 15
Posted 15:32 Apr 15, 2011 |


My eclipse got messed up.So I deleted my eclipse and reinstalled again and followed the exact steps .When I am running 

my project I am getting 404 error.Can anyone please help me.Attached are the screenshots of my error

Posts: 15
Posted 15:34 Apr 15, 2011 |

While I am running in the browser. I am getting the following error

Posts: 12
Posted 15:37 Apr 15, 2011 |

try by deleting csns-data.xml and other 3 csns -- .xml files.

Posts: 15
Posted 15:42 Apr 15, 2011 |

Hi Rucha

Still I am getting the same error can .

Posts: 2935
Posted 16:01 Apr 15, 2011 |
ruchabhatt wrote:

try by deleting csns-data.xml and other 3 csns -- .xml files.

And refresh the project after deleting those files.

Posts: 15
Posted 16:03 Apr 15, 2011 |

I refreshed professor still I am getting the same error

Posts: 15
Posted 16:05 Apr 15, 2011 |

i) delete whole csns project from eclipse and also from directory hierarchy i.e from your workspace directory.

ii)go to svn repository check out the trunk again for csns project.

iii) after that go to pgAdmin delete database csns.and then do as following:( try to follow video for these steps)

 After the project is checked out, create a PostgreSQL database for CSNS, then use the following two SQL scripts under the db folder of the project to populate the database:


  • /db/csns-create.sql will create the database tables, indexes, functions, and triggers.
  • /db/csns-test-insert.sql will populate the database with some test data, including a number of student and instructor accounts. The username of each account starts with either "i" (for instructors) or "s" (for students), then followed by four digits, e.g. i0001 or s0002. The account i0000 also has administrator privilege. The password of each account is the same as the username.

Copy to, and modify according to your setup.

Create an Ant Builder for the project by right clicking on the project, then select Properties -> Builders -> New -> Ant Builder. In the Builder Properties window,

  • Change the name of the builder from New_Builder to CSNS Ant Builder.
  • In the Main tab, specify the build file (Browse Workspace -> click on the project -> select build.xml).
  • In the Targets tab, click Set Targets for Auto Build, then click OK (the default target in the build file would be selected).
  • Click OK to close the Builder Properties window, then OK again to close the  Project Properties window.



This is better way instead of deleting eclipse as csns project is messed up but not the eclipse.

To check whether eclipse is working , you can create small webTest project. if it works then eclipse is working fine.

Posts: 15
Posted 16:33 Apr 15, 2011 |


I did many changes to my repository.Earlier my project was running fine.While I was committing all the changes by mistake i committed everything .So I reverted all the changes then it gave me many errors.So I deleted entire eclipse and created again.Will it cause any problems.

Posts: 15
Posted 16:38 Apr 15, 2011 |

Hi Revathi,

Yes I did all the steps eventhough I am getting the same error

Posts: 15
Posted 16:46 Apr 15, 2011 |

I deleted csns-*.xml files from WEB-INF folder but it still throws this exception when i am trying to start the server : 


SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/${}-data.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [int] for property 'initialSize'; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "${dbcp.initialSize}"
Thanks for the help.
Posts: 15
Posted 16:50 Apr 15, 2011 |

okay..I was getting same errors.In my case I was restarting tomcat server again and it got messed up.

Try closing eclipse and restarting it again. do not restart tomcat if it is already started when you run the project.

Try it.

Posts: 15
Posted 16:59 Apr 15, 2011 |

Hi Revathi,

I restarted again but still it is giving the same exception

Thank you

Posts: 15
Posted 17:28 Apr 15, 2011 |

Hi Revathi,

I deleted my entire project again and created.Now its working fine.

Thank you