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Posts: 7
Posted 20:51 Apr 13, 2011 |

Hi Dr.Sun,

1. I just submitted my homework1 zip and txt, but only after I noticed that didn't removed code generating 'csns-users has 1051 members.' and also I am displayin ID's of users with name and email. Are these ok to display or I should upload second version zip with corrections and if so, should I commit new corrected version to svn with new tag? If yes, what I should call it?

2. If we think that answered to questions regarding svn right in hw1.txt, but in actual our repository we have files wich should not be there and version is already tagged, is that ok? If not, can I just delete some files which should not be in trank and tags?

Thank you in advance.

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:51 Apr 13, 2011 |

1. It's OK.

2. It's not OK. You should remove the files that you think should not be version controlled from the repository.