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Posts: 8
Posted 13:17 Apr 09, 2011 |


when i was trying to install postgre SQL in command prompt shows :


" 'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. "


so i am not able to do further process. help me .

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:19 Apr 09, 2011 |

Add the bin folder under the PostgreSQL directory to the PATH environment variable.

Posts: 8
Posted 14:39 Apr 09, 2011 |

Thank you Dr. Sun. I get that and set the variable.

Posts: 15
Posted 19:22 Apr 09, 2011 |



I am facing same problem.

I set path by creating  one user variable and also gave '\ bin 'path to Path variable in system variables option.


I am still facing same problem.Please help.


Posts: 15
Posted 20:05 Apr 09, 2011 |

Hello Dr. Sun,


I am at last stage of my installation.I want to create a PostgreSQL database for CSNS and also need to use two sql scripts to create table and insert records.Is there any other way to do it  rather than command prompt?


I am not able to run psql through command prompt.Following error is coming.

psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. "

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:04 Apr 09, 2011 |
revatiy wrote:

Hello Dr. Sun,

I am at last stage of my installation.I want to create a PostgreSQL database for CSNS and also need to use two sql scripts to create table and insert records.Is there any other way to do it  rather than command prompt?

You can use pgAdmin, which is a GUI PostgreSQL client included in the PostgreSQL installation.

I am not able to run psql through command prompt.Following error is coming.

psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. "

From the screenshot it looks like you have an extra space after "Program Files".

Posts: 15
Posted 21:25 Apr 09, 2011 |

 Thank you Dr. Sun!

Problem is resolved.Extra space was the problem.