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Posts: 16
Posted 08:57 Apr 05, 2011 |

It says on the HW1 description that we don't have to validate input. Does that mean that we don't have to check for redunancy of the tags for the question - as in treat each word (even duplicates) as a unique entity. Say, if I typed the following tags on the form: javaee java servlet javaee javaee java, then I would have to create links as is? Or should we pick out the unique keywords, javaee java servlet?

Posts: 2935
Posted 10:08 Apr 05, 2011 |

You don't have to check for redundant tags, but feel free to do it if you want to. As said in the assignment, we'll assume the users always give the proper input; otherwise it would need lots of input validation code, which distracts from the main purpose of the assignment.

Posts: 32
Posted 22:48 Apr 07, 2011 |

A collection that eliminates duplicates would work.  Can even use one that keeps the data sorted.