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Posts: 52
Posted 02:39 Apr 01, 2011 |

Norton's postponing 15 min for installation does not worth, it delete some files automatically after resuming. No control on this process and then this errorsql error message

Posts: 2935
Posted 07:46 Apr 01, 2011 |
jdesai wrote:

Norton's postponing 15 min for installation does not worth, it delete some files automatically after resuming. No control on this process and then this error

I don't quite understand what your are saying.

The error message basically means either the server is not running at all, i.e. the installation failed, which seems to be what you are trying to say, or the server port is blocked by firewall, which is less likely because usually the firewall software would pop up a dialog box asking if you want to unblock the port.

If you have a laptop, bring it to my office hours and I'll have a look. If it's a desktop, try Google and see if you can find some answers on the web.

Posts: 52
Posted 17:41 Apr 02, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun,

While I  was downloading Installer version  8.4.7-1  of postgres, norton software got active and was showing warning against downloading with possibility of malicious code. So, I  postponed norton for 15 min.   Then  during installation, it was creating problem.

During installation, the sonar, which is part of norton, was deleting some part of installation. Then, ultimately, I was getting error which is showed in screen shot.

I also sent  this issue to postgressql in Live chat. I have not received any response, but they will fix their problem.

The above problem, is specific to this version Only. The new version, Installer 9.0.3-1 of postgresql,  works fine.

I think, The new version should  not create problem.


Thanking you,

Jwalant Desai

Posts: 10
Posted 21:47 Apr 09, 2011 |

Hi jdesai,

I had the same problem with McAfee,before installation I turned off it's firewall and then I could install it sucessfully.

Posts: 52
Posted 19:34 Apr 10, 2011 |

Thank you, I solved the problem.