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Posts: 95
Posted 13:26 Feb 01, 2011 |

HI Dr. Sun, 

The homework 2 output format is  "A -> B, SupportCount, Confidence", but in your example it is  "48 170 -> 38 39, 1193, 0.7662170841361593", there are 4 numbers following the "->". The last one must be the minConfidence, what are the rest of them?  Is 1193 the association minSupportCount? And how about 38 and 39?  


Posts: 2935
Posted 14:15 Feb 01, 2011 |

Note that A and B and itemsets, not single items. In the example, A is {48,170}, B is {38,39}, the support count for the rule is 1193, and the confidence (not minConfidence) of the rule is 0.766.