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Posts: 27
Posted 12:24 Nov 25, 2010 |

In HW7 part 2, security,

Specifically bullet point 3

  • All users (i.e. both anonymous and registered)  have read access to the public files and folders.

And bullet point 1 says "Anonymous users (i.e. users who have not logged into CSNS) may not see or access the Files link under the top menu Resources."

So how it could be possible that Anonymous users can even see the files? Or is there in other place in CSNS we can check and confirm our implmentation?

Posts: 2935
Posted 12:30 Nov 28, 2010 |

Whether the Files link is hidden or not, a user can always try to access a folder by directly entering the URL into the browser's address bar.

For example, suppose I upload all my CS520 course materials to a public folder, then post a link to the folder (i.e. http://.../files/viewFolder.html?fileId=...) on the class home page, then anybody who clicks on the link would be able to view the folder without going through the Files menu.