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Posts: 540
Posted 16:17 Nov 23, 2010 |

I haven't taken 422 yet so I'm struggling a little to keep track of all the SQL stuff.  When we update our csns-create.sql file by adding a trigger and / or function, and an index to our files table in order for it to be searchable, what do we need to update in the csns-drop.sql file?  If we write any new triggers and functions, should those also be included in the drop file as things to be dropped?  Also do we need to drop any indexes from the table?

Posts: 2935
Posted 16:23 Nov 23, 2010 |

Yes, you need to drop functions and triggers, but you don't need to explicitly drop indexes because they get dropped when the table is dropped.

Generally speaking, you should drop things in the reverse order in which they are created.