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Posts: 10
Posted 21:25 Nov 21, 2010 |

For this full text search on file name feature, based on the requirements of it, it seem like it only search files owned by the user and the public files, so this search doesn't include folders, are I right?

Posts: 2935
Posted 22:09 Nov 21, 2010 |

Why not? A folder is just a special file.

Posts: 10
Posted 00:36 Nov 22, 2010 |

so, for each folder in the results, clicking on the folder name may display subfolder and files, is it right?

Posts: 2935
Posted 07:11 Nov 22, 2010 |
aponif wrote:

so, for each folder in the results, clicking on the folder name may display subfolder and files, is it right?
