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Posts: 8
Posted 19:05 Nov 17, 2010 |

Is there anyway to get "LAST_INSERT_ID" in Hibernate?

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:42 Nov 17, 2010 |

Not sure what you mean.

When you save a new object using Hibernate, before saveOrUpdate(), the ID field of the object is null, and after saveOrUpdate(), the ID field will set with the generated ID.

Posts: 8
Posted 21:11 Nov 17, 2010 |

Right, So what if I want to get the new genereted ID? 

I can do that by executing this query: "select max(id) from File" right after saveOrUpdat(), but I think that is not an efficient way, especially when the table is used by many users.

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:15 Nov 17, 2010 |

You can use getId() to get the ID.