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Posts: 34
Posted 23:02 Nov 15, 2010 |

I'm trying to add <property name="mailSender" ref="mailSender" /> in servlet.xml  to use a mailSender in my class.

There's no error mark in my file.

And when I run csns, I get a HTTP Status 500 error saying that "No property 'mailSender' found".

I have used other properties like fileDao userDao and they works well.

I have tried refresh project and restart eclipse, and the error is still the same.

Why I cannot use mailSender?

Posts: 540
Posted 23:04 Nov 15, 2010 |

Did you remember to put the mailSender property in your Class file along with the necessary setter?

Posts: 34
Posted 23:07 Nov 15, 2010 |

Do you mean "private MailSender mailSender;"?

I have that.

Posts: 540
Posted 23:09 Nov 15, 2010 |

Yes, but do you also have the  setter for the mailSender i.e.

public void setMailSender method?

Last edited by kknaur at 23:09 Nov 15, 2010.
Posts: 34
Posted 23:15 Nov 15, 2010 |

Yes, that should be the problem.

Thank you kknaur.