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Honglin Xia
Posts: 9
Posted 01:07 Nov 13, 2010 |

I have problem with deleting physical files on disk. I found that " C:\Development\csns\files" is ready only, will this be the cause?

I tried to change the folder permission both in command line and in Window, but no luck. Attached screen shot.

Please advice, Thank you.

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:05 Nov 13, 2010 |
Honglin Xia wrote:

I have problem with deleting physical files on disk. I found that " C:\Development\csns\files" is ready only, will this be the cause?


No. You should be able to delete a file if the file itself is not read-only. The parent folder being read-only has nothing to do with it.

Posts: 34
Posted 14:25 Nov 14, 2010 |

Maybe you should tell us what you get when you try to delete a file.

My "files" folder is also part-readonly like yours, and my code can delete files correctly.