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Posts: 540
Posted 20:46 Nov 08, 2010 |

Replace File:
So, in essence, you are basically deleting the file that you want to replace, and replacing it with a new file?

Delete File / Folder:
In our implementation the user can upload two or more of the same file in the same folder....should the delete file function delete all "versions" of a file or only the specific file selected by the user?

Move File / Folder:
Do we have to use AJAX and/or JQuery to implement this functionality or is that only if we want some extra credit? If we are able to implement this without either of those technologies, and the user is still able to make choices with only mouse clicks is that ok as well?

Thank you

Last edited by kknaur at 20:47 Nov 08, 2010.
Posts: 2935
Posted 20:57 Nov 08, 2010 |
kknaur wrote:

Replace File:
So, in essence, you are basically deleting the file that you want to replace, and replacing it with a new file?

Mostly yes, but there's an important distinction between replacing and deleting+adding. Replacing updates the original File object while deleting+adding creates a new File object. Keeping the original File object is important because the File ID remains the same, so links to the File (through download.html?fileId=...) will still work.

Delete File / Folder:

In our implementation the user can upload two or more of the same file in the same folder....should the delete file function delete all "versions" of a file or only the specific file selected by the user?

Again, two files having the same name are still two files, so deleting one should not affect the other.

Move File / Folder:

Do we have to use AJAX and/or JQuery to implement this functionality or is that only if we want some extra credit? If we are able to implement thiswithout either of those technologies, and the user is still able to make choices with only mouse clicks is that ok as well?

Thank you

Ajax and jQuery are for extra credit. You don't have to use them.