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Posts: 540
Posted 17:45 Oct 31, 2010 |

My project has been running fine, but now all of a sudden I am getting a strange 404 error with no obvious error messages in the console.  I looked through the CSNS Debugging Tips FAQ that is posted in the forum and i think my problem falls under option 3 and I need to clean out the eclipse working directory.  I tried to click the link that explains how to do this...specifically the link that leads here:

Cleaning the project work directory ->

And the link seems to be broken.  Are the instructions on cleaning out the eclipse working directory posted anywhere else?

Also, I tried running my Homework 2 File Manager which I have not touched since I submitted it for grading and I am getting a 404 error with that and I know that project works as well as when I submitted it.  Any help would be great.

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:16 Nov 01, 2010 |

The server hosting CSNS got the domain name during the summer so the links are now instead of I've updated the link in the debugging tips post.

If you can't get it to work, you can bring your laptop to my office hours this afternoon.

Posts: 540
Posted 10:04 Nov 01, 2010 |

Thank you, I was able to solve the problem by cleaning out the directory as well as exiting and restarting eclipse a few times.  I also found that the filetest program we used for the last homework was causing some problems as well, for some reason Eclipse was running the main method in that file instead of running csns, so I just commented out the main method in the file and it seemed to fix some issues as well