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Posts: 27
Posted 12:14 Oct 31, 2010 |

I am creating the new folder similar as we create the new user.

In command name I am specifying "file" and class "csns.model.File".

In mapping using appropriate property, userDao and fileDao. and formView.

in my controller specifying successview with "ModelAndView("redirect:.....").

But on submitting it doesn't redirect to any url and my form stays as formview and no error message in console or logview. So my questions are:

1) how do we debug it.
2) can I use the File class asCommand object?

thanks and look foward for reply.

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:20 Oct 31, 2010 |

Make sure the form submit is a POST request. If it's a GET request, SimpleFormController would think it's requesting the form view.