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Posts: 27
Posted 17:47 Oct 28, 2010 |

I am trying to run the class example List Users, and carefully following the below steps,

1) Adding the link to Resources (Which works, of course)

2) Create the controller (ListUsersController)

3)Create ViewFiles (listUsers.jsp under WEB-INF/jsp folder)

4) Mapping in spring-servlet.xml file.

When running I am still getting error

"The Page not found"
The page requested doesn't exist".

Is it anything I am missing? Some setting problem? My project until HW3 still works fine.

any help is really appreciable.


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:05 Oct 28, 2010 |

First, check if the URL matches the bean name in spring-servlet.xml, and secondly, check if the controller returns the correct view name "listUsers" (i.e. not "/WEB-INF/jsp/listUsers.jsp").

Read the debugging tips if you have not done so. This is the 2nd type of 404 error mentioned there.