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Posts: 40
Posted 14:23 Oct 21, 2010 |

I had to delete the CSNS project from my eclipse workspace, so I went ahead and checked out again from the trunk. I've built the project, but everything I try running the project I get an HTTP 404 Not found error. Any tips?

Posts: 40
Posted 14:29 Oct 21, 2010 |

got it to work, just removed and added the resource.

Honglin Xia
Posts: 9
Posted 15:15 Oct 21, 2010 |

I have the same 404 not found error. 

also the following file/folder has red check mark

- web/javascript



I thought I might forget the correct Database user name and password under my name honglin, so I used my postgres as user name, and I have the correct pw for this user.  But after change these for the build.properities and filetest.xml. I still have a new issue:

"Publishing to tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost has encountered a problem:

File not found: C:\Development\workspace\csns\build\classes\filetest.xml."



I might need to delete csns and checked it out to start the hw again too.

how you got it work? remove and add whih resource file?

Thank you for your help

Posts: 40
Posted 15:32 Oct 21, 2010 |

I"m not sure about the other error you are getting. I also a few days ago opened up my project and saw errors under the javascript folder too. What I did is say run another project, and when you choose the server, remove the other resources. Then go ahead and run your CSNS project.

Honglin Xia
Posts: 9
Posted 15:57 Oct 21, 2010 |

Thank you very much!


I just deleted csns project and checked it out again.

but this time I got every src/csns folders in red check.

I also noticed the check out file has "Java Resources:scr" as folder name instead of   "src" folder name.

---->looks horrible!

Posts: 34
Posted 17:11 Oct 21, 2010 |

If you cannot fix the red mark, find the code with the red line and move mouse on it. Maybe eclipse will give you a "fix project setup" option and it will correct the problem.


And when eclipse give you a 404 error when you know the file is exactly there,  I think it's because the property path in build.xml is not correct.