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Posts: 22
Posted 21:09 Oct 20, 2010 |

Looks like my issue with this class is that I have my dev enivornment set up across multiple machines.  So when I check out the code and run the code I get errors.  How can I resolve this issue.  I cannot work on the projects with one machine.

Posts: 22
Posted 21:15 Oct 20, 2010 |

More of a svn question then a rant

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:53 Oct 20, 2010 |

I do CSNS development on a Windows Vista desktop, a Windows 7 laptop, a Windows XP virtual machine, and a Ubuntu Linux desktop without any problem.

Posts: 22
Posted 19:18 Oct 21, 2010 |

Wow all these errors.  This is what I get when checking out across different platforms

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:28 Oct 21, 2010 |

I had this problem a few times myself. I think it's an Eclipse problem rather than a multi-platform issue. Basically for a Dynamic Web Project, all the jar files under WEB-INF/lib should be automatically included in the build path. If you see a bunch of errors in the Java source like shown in your screenshot, it means that for some reason Eclipse didn't include those jar files. The best way to fix this is to delete the project and check it out again. Make sure you check it out as a Dynamic Web Project.