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Posts: 34
Posted 15:05 Oct 17, 2010 |

When I run ant hbm2ddl, the file "csns.ddl" will not change and ant creates a new file called "${}.ddl" under the db folder.

How to fix it?

Did I break any setting file of csns project?

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:07 Oct 17, 2010 |

Delete /WEB-INF/csns-*.xml and everything under /build/classes, refresh the project, then try again.

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:08 Oct 17, 2010 |
cysun wrote:

Delete /WEB-INF/csns-*.xml and everything under /build/classes, refresh the project, then try again.

Delete /WEB-INF/web.xml too.

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:19 Oct 17, 2010 |

The file name being ${}.ddl instead csns.ddl basically means that the build script didn't get the value of from So check the file and make sure it's call, not, and there's no leading/trailing white spaces etc. After you fix the file name, do the delete+refresh again.

Posts: 34
Posted 16:16 Oct 17, 2010 |

I tried your way but it does not work.

So I deleted csns project and do everything from the beginning.

Now it works well and the postgres can also works...  What a crazy world...