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Posts: 5
Posted 00:16 Oct 14, 2010 |

Everything works fine in my local enviroment. But when I deploy this application on CS3 Server, a lot of problem happened like not display the folder I just created or cannot find the file I just uploaded. 

Is that because I didn't change permission of the files and folders ?

Posts: 5
Posted 00:33 Oct 14, 2010 |

I just changed the permissions for all folders and files to owner group and public. But then I can not run this application through the link  I just used any more.

HTTP Status 404-

type Status report


description The requested resource () is not available.

This is because ?



Posts: 5
Posted 11:48 Oct 14, 2010 |

Problem still exists.

When I request with, I got error page like this:

HTTP Status 404 - /cs520stu12/ggfgfffaff

type Status report

message /cs520stu12/ggfgfffaff

description The requested resource (/cs520stu12/ggfgfffaff) is not available

But when I request with any link from my account like,  I got error page like this:

HTTP Status 404-
type Status report
description The requested resource() is not available.

Why this happens?

Posts: 5
Posted 14:08 Oct 14, 2010 |

After permissions are set properly, everything is fine now.