reset password
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Posts: 15
Posted 16:49 May 21, 2010 |

Hello Professor,

                               In the CSNS Wiki you have implemented, even when I request for a password protected Wiki page, the URL doesn't change in the browser. My guess is you have implemented the password validation in the main controller that handles all Wiki URLs. I implemented a separate password controller to validate password which directs to a form to enter password for a password protected Wiki page. So in my case, the URL in the browser displays the bean name of my password controller just like how it displays the bean name of the 'edit' controller in CSNS Wiki if I try to edit a page. Is this alright or should I make changes to my code so that it doesn't change the URL when I request for a password protected Wiki page?


Posts: 2935
Posted 16:56 May 21, 2010 |

It's all right.