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Posts: 15
Posted 10:56 Nov 13, 2009 |

Hello Dr.Sun,

yesterday, I aldy added some answers for Homework 5.4 Section II. today I update the one answer in textarea portion is successfully updated. But i try to update another one, i got runtime error as following and cannot add answer. is there any limit imposed on text length ?

Could you please advise. Thanks.

Runtime Error

An unexpected runtime error has occurred, which is quite unfortunate really. But rest assured. The site administrator has been notified and the problem will be resolved shortly (or so we hope).


Posts: 15
Posted 11:01 Nov 13, 2009 |

problem solved. after reduing the text length, it updates successfully.

Posts: 2935
Posted 11:43 Nov 13, 2009 |

Well, currently the database field for a text answer is of type varchar(8092). I'll add the functinoality to upload a file as the answer later.

For this exercise, your answer really shouldn't exceed the 8092-character limit. If I have to read through hundreds of lines of copy&pasted code to find the relevant part, you won't get the credit.