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Posts: 40
Posted 01:54 Oct 18, 2009 |


I have problem by running hbm2ddl,actually I can not use this option anymore it was under external tool which is not there anymore and I was playing with external tools to find it but I couldnt find it .it was under target but now its not there..

would you please guide me how to run hbm???!!

Thank you

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:23 Oct 18, 2009 |

I don't quite understand what you are talking about.

You can create an external tool configuration in Eclipse to run an Ant target as follows:

1. Select build.xml.

2. Select Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ...

3. Enter a name for the configuration.

4. In the Targets tab, select the target(s) you want to run.

5. Click Run.

And please post these questions in the class forum, not the CSNS forum.