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Posts: 2
Posted 23:16 Jul 19, 2009 |


I'm not sure if I understand this question correctly since I cannot find any sections that were larger than the average section size for their year. More specifically:

year 2000: avg section size = 1, section 33 had 1 student => equal

year 2001: avg section size = 2, section 43 had 2 students, section 53 had 2 students => equal

year 2004: avg section size = 1, section 13 had 1 student => equal

year 2005: avg section size = 0, section 23 had 0 student => equal

Anyone has any idea? Please advise if my  understanding is correct.


Posts: 2
Posted 00:27 Jul 20, 2009 |

I got it I just need to put more data in to test