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Posts: 2
Posted 22:39 Jun 26, 2009 |

I. Commands and Such

II. Built-In Functions








I. Commands and Such



A. Picture Boxes

.Print :  prints information into a picturebox and can string together several .print lines with a semicolon(;)

.Cls:  clears the picturebox

B. Text Boxes

.Text:  .Text can be used in many ways, specifying a textbox to printing information into a textbox

--to print into a textbox you must use the code textbox.text = "use quotation marks if you want it to display a message" or don't use quotation marks to display variables

--textboxes do not allow use of semicolons(;) and so instead use a ampersand(&) to concatenate variables/strings

Ex. Dim InNum as String

txtOut.Text = "This is the number you inputted: " & InNum





II. Built-In Functions



A. Left


B. Right


C. Mid


D. UCase


E. Trim


Last Updated: August 3, 2009 11:06 P.M. <------------------------- Lol 11 P.M.

Last edited by jliu at 11:52 Aug 12, 2009.
Posts: 2
Posted 22:51 Aug 03, 2009 |

Private Sub Form_Load()

'I got bored.


End Sub

Last edited by jliu at 11:50 Aug 24, 2009.